Life-Saving Tips For Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

Fire extinguisher maintenance is really significance for everyone’s protection and safety. Here, you need to think about the detrimental effects and possible damages that can be caused by a fire if you neglect to carry out regular maintenance.

Important Reminders

When it comes to fire extinguisher maintenance Singapore, you need to ensure certain points. These points include the following:

  • Fire extinguishers are not obstructed by other objects or equipment that could barricade access during an emergency.
  • Make sure there are no leaks, dents, chemical deposits, rust, or other signs of wear and abuse on the fire suppression system by CO2.
  • If you observe any deposit, you can attempt to wipe off the gunk, oil, or corrosive chemical accumulated on the fire suppression system with clean gas. Take help of a professional if required.

So, these are some important reminders that you need to keep in mind regarding fire extinguisher maintenance. A trained or qualified person can carry out the servicing and maintenance of fire extinguishers in a company’s proper workshops. It is always best to seek professional help when you notice any sign of wear and tear.

Do not think of fire extinguisher maintenance in times of need. You should go for fire extinguisher maintenance in Singapore on a regular basis. It is significant to contact a professional to carry out the inspection monthly as well as annually. In this way, you would not disappoint with the fire extinguisher in times of need.

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